When Does Human Life Begin?
When Does Human Life Begin?
Evidence from NDEs and related experiences
Image: Angel Child, by Nancy Jewel Poer
About the Webinar
Part One of our presentation covers the evidence that the soul is a separate entity from the physical body, evidence of the reality of the etheric body, and evidence that with embodiment the soul becomes an incarnated human being. Part one concludes with a description of the process of incarnation of the soul derived from past life and prebirth memories.
Part Two covers more details from pre-birth memories, namely the soul’s connection with mother and the gestational stages of the soul’s embodiment with the fetus. There is strong evidence that when the embodiment process is blocked or manipulated, the soul experiences trauma, particularly with IVF procedures. Both the mother and medical personnel need to recognize that the incarnating soul is a fully conscious, mature spiritual being and that communication with the soul can prevent or mitigate trauma. The moral, legal and societal questions regarding abortion can be addressed from this new perspective.
Suggested Reading
The Two Jesus Boys
And the Messianic Expectations of the Essenes
The two contradicting genealogies of Jesus in the Gospels have long puzzled biblical scholars. Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual research led him to a controversial theological conclusion—that there were two Jesus boys born into two holy families.
Link directs one to rudolfsteinerbookstore.com