Preparing for the Birth of Christ: An Advent presentation
Advent is a time of preparation – a preparation for what? As the Christian mystic Angelus Silesius said, “If Christ were born in Bethlehem a thousand times yet not in thee, then art thou lost eternally.” Yes, inwardly we prepare at this time for the Christ to be born in us. What inner work must we do for St. Paul’s words “no longer I but Christ in me” to live in our soul? Should we feel a wholeness with Nature and the four elements? Should we feel a oneness with the cosmos? Are we impeded from this by our Technological Age?
The two contradicting genealogies of Jesus in the Gospels have long puzzled biblical scholars. Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual research led him to a controversial theological conclusion—that there were two Jesus boys born into two holy families.
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No. 23 Garden of Gethsemane –detail by DoloresRose Dauenhauer (1941–2015) Newsletter on the Mysteries of Technology Dear Friends, The featured image of this Easter issue…
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