Developing Cymatic Perception

Developing Cymatic Perception

About the Webinar

The science of cymatics is essentially a study of the external world, articulating and describing in great detail the fundamental principles of how matter responds to oscillation. Contemplating these phenomena and their inherent processes, I have experienced many profound insights into the nature of being and becoming. Cymatics, in and of itself, is NOT a spiritual practice. But to the devoted student, much of its allure lies in the recognition that it reveals precise visible analogies of processes that operate throughout the natural world, showing how inert matter may be animated by an invisible force. In the material world that we inhabit, this is known as sound, yet at a higher harmonic, it has been called the Sound Current, or in Sanskrit, the Anhad Shabd.

Cymatics is a physical science that I like to call a “living metaphor.” It renders visible, for detailed examination, a clear analogy of the invisible creative pulsation of life itself. This brief introduction is an allegory explaining cymatics, a body of detailed and replicable phenomena that one could intellectually dissect to no end. Instead, let us focus on that inherently fascinating moment of discovery in which we find ourselves moving inward, not outward, to awaken a deeper understanding. Cymatics can serve to shed light upon this trail that we’re each uniquely blazing, as we proceed along our eternal journeys, unencumbered by beginnings or endings.


Jeff Volk is a poet, producer and publisher who has popularized the science of cymatics for over four decades. He published groundbreaking books (Cymatics, Vols. I & II) by Anthroposophist Dr. Hans Jenny. His 1992 documentary, Of Sound Mind and Body: Music and Vibrational Healing, won the Hartley Film Award through the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Its success inspired him to produce The International Sound Colloquium which became the premier conference for exploring the power of sacred sound and healing music that met annually throughout the 1990s.

Christopher Graefe is a digital new media artist and executive producer, with a 30+ year career in design. Christopher’s career has been spent primarily in serving healthcare clients as a consultant, director, and user experience designer developing medical devices, patient management systems, and multimedia campaigns.

David Perez Martinez, is an Integrative Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Sound Healing Practitioner and a self-proclaimed Cymatic Phenomenologist currently in private practice in New York City. As a former anthropologist, he traveled to study the music and sound practices of other cultures. In clinical practice Dr. Perez has integrated controlled breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, sound healing practices and physical movement with standard psychiatric care.

Suggested Reading


Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena, was pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). The core of this edition is Jenny’s two volumes originally published in 1967 and 1974, documenting over 14 years of his meticulous experiments using audible sound to excite powders, pastes, and liquids into life-like, flowing forms. The stunning array of over 360 images reflects a variety of patterns found throughout nature, art, and architecture. The photographs in this book consist entirely of experimental phenomena. There were no computer-generated images. 


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