Schedule Thursday

4:00 pm (16:00)

Welcome and Introduction

Frank Dauenhauer – Managing Director of the Center for Anthropsophical Endeavors (CFAE) and Co-Founder of MysTech.

4:15 pm (16:15)

Keynote Speach (Ed Conroy)

Frank Dauenhauer – Managing Director of the Center for Anthropsophical Endeavors (CFAE) and Co-Founder of MysTech.

5:00 pm (17:00)

The Conference Ahead (Andrew Linnell)

Frank Dauenhauer – Managing Director of the Center for Anthropsophical Endeavors (CFAE) and Co-Founder of MysTech.

7:30 pm (19:30)

Introductions & Discussion (Even Fold M.C.)

Frank Dauenhauer – Managing Director of the Center for Anthropsophical Endeavors (CFAE) and Co-Founder of MysTech.

8:15 pm (20:15)

Through the decoding of the human genome and ongoing genetic studies, we are beginning to understand how the sequence of our own genome influences susceptibility to disease, and human traits including, for example, intelligence and longevity.  Technologies now exist that permit targeted modification of the genome, and some think that it just a matter of time until germline genome modification will become accepted.  If so, transhumanism could be much more than a simple merging of our consciousness with artificial intelligence, it could fundamentally alter our genome and evolution as a species.  How should we interpret Rudolf Steiner’s indications about the future in light of such developments?

8:15 pm (20:15)

Through the decoding of the human genome and ongoing genetic studies, we are beginning to understand how the sequence of our own genome influences susceptibility to disease, and human traits including, for example, intelligence and longevity.  Technologies now exist that permit targeted modification of the genome, and some think that it just a matter of time until germline genome modification will become accepted.  If so, transhumanism could be much more than a simple merging of our consciousness with artificial intelligence, it could fundamentally alter our genome and evolution as a species.  How should we interpret Rudolf Steiner’s indications about the future in light of such developments?